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27/12/07 - 16:05
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Mensagem por helio
Local: RMC
Cadastro: 01/01/07
Posts: 1990
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Teoricamente sim, os Bell&ROss em questão seriam da linha Hidromax, que foi testada em cameras hiperbaricas a 1.110bar (equivalentes a 11.000 metros); lembre-se que teoria não é igual a pratica, a estanqueidade em altas pressões nem sempre se traduz em estaquiedade sobre baixas pressões.

Do site oficial pode-se ler em um PDF da linha:


The Hydromax watch has been designed to perform in the most extreme
underwater diving conditions. Tests in hyperbaric tanks have proved the
watches’ resistance at 1110 bar, equivalent to 11100 metres. This performance
is due to a major technical innovation: a watchcase completely
filled with a transparent oil called Hydroil®. This liquid guarantees perfect
water-resistance and incomparable readability.
In addition, it guarantees extremely reliable and silent operation.
To compensate for the Hydroil oil expanding or compressing in extreme
differences of temperature, a special watch case system has been developed
and patented by Bell & Ross (see diagram).
Moulded at the centre of a screw-down back, a flexible rubber button
“deflates” or “expands” according to variations in liquid volumes. A metal
plate protects the mechanism from the deforming rubber.
Exclusive user of Hydroil in watchmaking and the inventor of the special steel
and rubber watch back, Bell & Ross has in the Hydromax an exceptional
watch that satisfies the extreme requirements of deep underwater diving.
*Tests carried out in cooperation with Ifremer (the French Marine Research Institute).

To study the Hydromax’s resistance to hydrostatic pressure, several deep
water immersion simulations have been carried out by Bell & Ross in cooperation
with Ifremer (the French Marine Research Institute).
The results of these tests have proved the watches’ resistance to pressure
of 1200 bar, the equivalent of about 12,000 m, that is the deepest point on
the earth, the Challenger Trench in the Pacific Mariana Islands Archipelago
– exactly 11,100 m).

Veja mais no site oficial da [URL=]Bell&Ross[/URL]

Quanto a Frank Muller ela se estabeleceu em Genebra em 1992 portanto é Suiça, veja neste [URL=]link[/URL] a história da marca contada por eles mesmos.
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