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16/03/11 - 10:08
  Quote  #1
Mensagem por Weiler
Local: Goiânia
Cadastro: 03/07/09
Posts: 293
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The Countdown Clock in Trafalgar Square is currently suffering from a technical malfunction. We are working to see that the problem is resolved and look forward to restoring it to its full functionality soon. Obviously, we are very disappointed that the clock has suffered this technical issue. The OMEGA London 2012 Countdown Clock was developed by our experts and fully tested ahead of the launch in Trafalgar Square.

E depois a resposta quando foi consertado:

We are pleased to report that OMEGA’s engineers, who have been working on the Clock in Trafalgar Square, have repaired it and it is working as designed. We have also flown our Chief Engineer over from Switzerland this afternoon to make a full diagnostic investigation into what created the problem.
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